God's been faithful this week. It's Faithful Friday once again!
What is one care you have given to Lord this week?
I will be quite honest; this week I have dealt with Anxiety at a level I never have experienced before.
I love writing, but this week I have felt very real extremes of excitement/ eagerness and then weariness/ doubt. Like a pendulum swinging back and forth.
I love seeing others succeed in whatever God has planned for them, but at the same time that nagging feeling of “Maybe I should be working more on this writing project.” Or “It’s been 3 1/2 years why can’t I finish this yet?!”
Those thoughts creep in, as well as “Will I finish this before the Lord comes?” as we see the signs more and more…
All these thoughts and more have just bombarded my mind this week like a cannon ball rattling a strong tower. You know those moments where you wonder if on the right path doing what God wants , or wondering if you need to hurry along since time in the past was wasted.
Today , it was as the Lord confirmed once again what I should do , with a simple question:
“What if it takes four years?”
I often groan at the thought of something I so eagerly want to see completed, dragged on. But if I truly believe God is guiding me in what to write, then I must wait on Him. The pressure isn’t all on me and I shouldn’t act like it is. It’s not me carrying the weight and burden alone like “boulders” on my shoulders as the Lord brought to my mind earlier this week, but rather as if The Lord and I were in the same room. He watches me as I write. A picture came to mind of us sharing conversations and laughter, just enjoying life.
Often this verse from Ephesians 2:10 comes to mind throughout this writing process
For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared before that we would walk in them.
World English Bible
Two drastically different perspectives out before me: the weight all on me or the journey with the Lord involved. The latter didn’t mean it would be always a happy process. It hasn’t been easy at times: an emotional roller coaster honestly, but whatever comes would be faced together.
Often I have made light jokes when my close friends said , “I can’t wait to read it. I can’t wait to see how it turns out…”
My response is often, “Me too.” 🤣
But the realization I must come to is this:
It has to be in the Lord’s timing. He may be preparing hearts that need to read whatever I share or publish.
While I may groan 😩 about the possibility of longer, I also must remember this wasn’t something I came up with, nor could write on my own. Maybe God is more concerned about the lessons in the process or at least equally concerned about what I learn through this process.
Maybe that question wasn’t an answer of “It will take four years…” (or longer), but the question was no matter how long something takes will I be obedient or shall I give up and move on rushing what I want in the wrong timing?
Sometimes in the process of casting our cares on the Lord, there can be emotionally charged moments of anger, grief, joy, worry , etc. a whole range of feelings. Be honest with the Lord and do not try to hide it, for although we can’t trust our feelings to be the truth we stand on in hard times; they are real. Come to the Lord in prayer and cast your cares on Him, only He can give you strength, healing, and comfort you need. Let His Word be the Rock on which you stand while things around you are shifting like sinking sand on beach.
1 Peter 5:7 World English Bible
casting all your worries on him, because he cares for you.
Will we trust Him with the worries and concerns that fill our mind, and allow Him to give us His Peace and Comfort that only He can give?
God is in control and knows both the beginning and end and everything that has or shall happen in the future.
What if the knowledge of good and evil isn’t just what we experience on this earth, good, bad , or sinful?
What if part of our struggle is from knowing more than we ever would outside of social media and internet?
What if we were never supposed to handle the weight of every news article? What if the constant knowledge of world catastrophes and daily crime makes us more fearful.
What if we know more than we were ever meant to know?
What are we “feeding” or filling our minds with? Is it Truth from God’s Word such as :
Philippians 4:8
Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are honorable, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report: if there is any virtue and if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.
Or are our minds fixed on situations that contribute to anxiety, fear, and worry; things beyond our control and understanding?
Place them in the Lord’s Hands today, for He cares for you.