Welcome to another Faithful Friday encouragement.
“Be careful to obey”
This point was shown to me yesterday morning November 30, 2023 in a dream.
It was night and there were these two girls walking on the side of the road. They had just passed the stop sign beside the tracks, when a car drove up by them, narrowly missing the girls. This car didn’t take the path with the road or stop sign, but instead the person’s car was on the tracks, driving upward to get to the road . This foolish decision almost caused the death of two innocent teen girls. All because the person in the car didn’t stay on the road and follow the posted signs. Not only was it dangerous and almost cost the girls’ lives, but the driver had no way of knowing what would happen as a train whistle blew. What if the car had gotten stuck? Was the driver not risking his own life , by not obeying the posted signs? The signs were meant to protect the driver and others around him.
If this scenario happened in real life, there would be hundreds of social media comments telling a news station how foolish the driver was and how dangerous that action was.
Now, why do we stay quiet when we know a pastor or person in leadership is preaching false doctrine? “Well they are preaching, and God may still use it….” Um I have seen and read things like this.
That’s dangerous, like playing with fire. Eternal souls are being led to their destruction , because these people aren’t allowing the Holy Spirit to use a true message from the Lord , the True Gospel, to teach and convict people of their desperate need for Jesus to be both Lord and Savior. A feel good preacher that never mentions Jesus or what He did to redeem us from sin, should be avoided at all costs!! That’s like saying, “God is okay with rebellion. Jesus is okay with sin.”
Why would Jesus be okay with something that cost His life? This isn’t a game where we can purposely act rebellious up to our death, with no remorse and then expect Heaven, because we prayed for Jesus to change us like our friends prayed at five years old. You cannot enter Heaven, with the rebellious ways you enjoyed on earth. If there is no desire to change , then maybe you are following Satan’s new age Jesus that the world loves because the True Jesus would not be okay with you staying the same way you came to Him. The True Jesus was hated by the world in His day and even now. The number of true followers He has , are just a remnant of each generation. If you are listening to someone who has you so focused on this passing world as far as material stuff, run. True Christ Followers groan and long with Creation to see the redemption of their souls come to pass. Best life for a Christ Follower isn’t on this earth, that will burn up literally, rendering your pursuit of material possessions worthless. It’s on the earth to come when God makes His dwelling place on the new earth while Jesus rules and reigns forever.
Christ Followers, we aren’t left out of this example either, for this can be seen a different way for us. What if the road and path is our life? The stop sign our opportunity to obey and wait on God before we take that next step? What if you get so eager to do something for the Lord, you try to go around the stop sign of obedience? What if that message is shared before God softens the ground of a person’s heart to receive it? What if you jump ahead, and move before provision to do that task has been given? Do we know the consequences of not staying in step with the Lord? We don’t always see where the Lord graciously allows the person to still receive a message. What if a person was moments away from accepting Truth, and saying something rudely or mockingly hardened their hearts toward God eternally?
We don’t always see the dangers we may put ourselves or others in, by not waiting on the Lord’s timing.
Be careful to obey and pray for wisdom and discernment in these times where what sounds good is accepted as truth.
Proverbs 18:11
Death and life are in the power of the tongue;
those who love it will eat its fruit.
James 4:17
To him therefore who knows to do good and doesn’t do it, to him it is sin.
2 Timothy 4:1-5
1 I command you therefore before God and the Lord Jesus Christ, who will judge the living and the dead at his appearing and his Kingdom:2 preach the word; be urgent in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort with all patience and teaching. 3 For the time will come when they will not listen to the sound doctrine, but having itching ears, will heap up for themselves teachers after their own lusts, 4 and will turn away their ears from the truth, and turn away to fables. 5 But you be sober in all things, suffer hardship, do the work of an evangelist, and fulfill your ministry.
This is the reminder from Jesus’ lips while on this earth that we should follow :
John 5:19
Jesus therefore answered them, “Most certainly, I tell you, the Son can do nothing of himself, but what he sees the Father doing. For whatever things he does, these the Son also does likewise.
Jesus didn’t say or do anything without asking the Father first. What a reminder to us, to follow that example.
Be careful to obey and follow the Lord as He gives direction.
*All scripture is from the World English Bible