Welcome back to another Faithful Friday post.
Food for Thought: “The Dangers of Neutrality”
A few years ago, a bird flew into our house. It frantically went from one room to another until it ended up in our master bathroom . After trying to figure out what to do in the midst of panic, I eventually watched bird long enough. I kept all doors open. Finally, it flew to the bedroom where I could shut the bathroom door. Then it went to living room, kitchen, and finally laundry room.
Each time it moved, I shut the door behind it, so the bird would realize there was one way out to the outdoors and freedom. Sometimes smaller bugs must be caught and released , otherwise they will die where they are. A mosquito hawk looks like it has all the freedom and space in the world , until it dies by a sink or in a bathtub, because it couldn’t find a way out.
Below is a fictitious story
Serenity lived in a peaceful land with lush, grassy green hillsides. She lived alone in a one room cabin. Smoke rose from the chimney. Rumors of war filled her ears from the marketplace chatter. The nearest town to Serenity’s abode was a twenty mile walk. She had no neighbors and preferred her solitude. She enjoyed chatting with a couple of friends while selling her fruits and vegetables. The war seemed so far away in her mind , at least two hundred miles in distance. Every time her friends Elena and Jo gasped at the latest news or rumors, they discussed ways to be prepared if the worst should come.
“Seriously, the war will never come here,”
scoffed Serenity. “What is of interest or value to the enemy in the rural countryside?”
A few months passed with the fighting continuing with no sign of abating. Serenity ‘s friends urged her to evacuate with them. “The king has ordered us to evacuate to safer lands.”
“For what reason?” Serenity inquired. “There has been no threat here.”
“Maybe he knows information that we don’t yet.” Elena said. “I, for one will go.”
“Me as well. Will you come with us?“ Jo asked.
“No, I am quite content to return to the countryside and live there. Besides I have no neighbors, nor am I wealthy that an enemy would take notice of a woman living in solitude,“ Serenity said firmly.
With a tearful goodbye, Elena and Jo departed wishing Serenity well. For a few months, all was quiet . Serenity continued to live life as normal. The marketplace had a remnant of townspeople that didn’t believe any harm would come to them. Serenity sold her goods, as if she was one of the locals. One day she made her journey with her crafted items , like she did once every two weeks. Something was odd about this trip. Serenity could see smoke in the distance. Upon her arrival, she discovered a horrific sight, smoldering fires and dead bodies filled the streets. Serenity gasped , but quickly put her hand over her mouth, for out of the corner of her eye she saw soldiers ransacking the shops and homes nearby. Serenity dropped her goods and darted quickly behind the wall out of sight. She peered around the corner again and gasped for she had been spotted. Serenity ran back the way she came and did not look back.
A solider reached the wall to see in the direction the woman fled. Serenity reached her home as the sunset began. She ate her food shakily , only able to eat a few bites. Every hour, Serenity went outside with her lantern to see if any danger had followed her. Soon, drowsiness overcame Serenity and she fell asleep. While the moon was still high, shining into the house, she heard the pounding on the door.
“Who could that be at this late hour?”
Serenity cracked open the door just a bit, to see an armed stranger staring back at her. Just for a moment, then he pushed the door wide.Serenity caught off balance and fell to the floor. The open door revealed an army at her doorstep.
“Please take anything you want, just do not harm me,” Serenity’s voice shook with fear. Finding nothing of value, they left without a word shutting the door behind them. Serenity lay on the floor for several minutes, breathing rapidly and fearing the army’s return. Finally, as all seemed clear, she climbed into bed. Exhaustion made sleep return quickly.
The solider in command returned to his master upon the battlefield. “My lord, there is a lone woman in the nearby countryside. She has nothing of value in her possession. What shall be done with her for she saw what we did in the town. “Go back and deal with her, lest she flee to the king’s lands of safety. Let’s not give the opportunity for another to join him there,” his master sneered.
“Yes, my lord,” the solider bowed and hastily went out the door. Arriving at Serenity’s home once again, he pounded on the door a second time . Not waiting for a response, he burst through the door with a group of men with him. Serenity screamed as she saw the dagger raised. With one quick killing stroke through the heart, Serenity was stilled forever. The army left laughing and jeering onward to find their next victim content in their neutrality , indifferent to the war of souls.
What are you risking if you are trying to remain neutral about the war of souls going on for mankind? There is no middle ground to stand, if you aren’t following God and accepted Jesus as both Lord and Savior , then the only other option is rebellion and sin that leads to destruction and eternal death: an eternity with Satan and his demons. There is no other option. Will you die like a bird or mosquito hawk trapped without a source of sustenance? Trapped in the houses of sin, not realizing freedom outside the doors.
Are you like Serenity, who thinks the war will never come knocking upon your door? Do you think you have plenty of time to make your decision concerning God and whether you will join His Kingdom? Tomorrow may be too late.
Joshua 24:14-15
14 “Now therefore fear Yahweh, and serve him in sincerity and in truth. Put away the gods which your fathers served beyond the River, in Egypt; and serve Yahweh. 15 If it seems evil to you to serve Yahweh, choose today whom you will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you dwell; but as for me and my house, we will serve Yahweh.”
Matthew 6:24
24 “No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be devoted to one and despise the other. You can’t serve both God and Mammon.
* All Scripture is from the World English Bible