Another week has gone by. Our question to think about this week is:
Did you take time to listen to the Lord this week?
Did you listen instead of merely hearing His Voice?
In Deuteronomy Chapter 5 , the Lord speaks to the Israelites from the mountain. The people are afraid, and finally Moses tells them all God has said including the commands that we call the Ten Commandments. The word here is in the chapter a lot but there is one time where some translations of Scripture use the word listen instead.
Deuteronomy 5:27
27 Go near, and hear all that Yahweh our God shall say, and tell us all that Yahweh our God tells you; and we will hear it, and do it.”
The World English Bible still uses the word here, but this is a different type of hearing. The people were all gathered to hear what The Lord said, whether Himself or through Moses.
But each Israelite had a choice to whether they heard what was said and obeyed or dismiss it.
You see the word listen, gives purpose to the hearing. A person draws near to hear in interest and the intent to obey. One who cares nothing about the person or topic, will most likely not stay around to listen. They will spend their time on what interests them.
You can tell a child or teen to take out the trash , but if they are preoccupied with a movie or video games, they are more likely to say okay, and add can I do it after ___? If they hear you over the loud tv or headphones at all.
If we are carving out intentional time with the Lord, and the noise is down, or the tv is off we can draw near and focus on what the Lord is saying when we read His Word.
This week I have enjoyed reading a book , but you know what the most interesting part has been?
When I read, and there is no tv, no music, no typing sounds on my computer. Just silence enjoying a good book. It’s been relaxing.
It’s nice to enjoy another’s work: art, craft, writing, creativity, but what if we took the time to work on our own talents and abilities?
A Christ Follower has a great opportunity to join in our Lord and Creator’s Work, by using the gifts and talents He gave us to share with others.
“I can’t draw, paint , or write.”
Maybe that’s not your thing, but are you a social person ?
Could you go visit someone and share an encouraging word?
Could you meet someone for coffee and play games?
Do you enjoy making care packages and delivering them?
There are so many ways to use our talents and abilities that God has equipped us with. Joining with the Lord in His Work is so fulfilling. But in order to join Him, not only do we need to have a relationship with Jesus as our Lord and Savior and turn from our sinful and rebellious ways.
We must be willing to carve out the time to listen for every step. He has the work prepared for us to follow, but are you ready to obey even if it means leaving dreams and plans you have for your future in the “boat” and following Him, like some of His Disciples did?
Ephesians 2:10 World English Bible
10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared before that we would walk in them.
Will we just hear the Lord or will we intentionally listen as if we are purposely pulling up a chair and sharing a meal at His table?
The choice is ours…