I want to take a moment and share my heart and thoughts behind this website, "The Written Journey."
I started journaling at age sixteen in 2007 in a spiral notebook similar to the picture above. In one of the hardest seasons of my life, I began to write to cope with my feelings. Since then, I have learned to write down the things the Lord has taught me. In different seasons of life, it became important to write down the dates. It gave me a record of God's Faithfulness and how my life changed over the years. You don't have wait to start journaling, until you have a picture perfect journal cover: start with some paper and a pen. Allow the Lord in your own journey, so you can heal from those moments that hurt you. He is the Only True Healer.
I have had other blogs, other social media pages, that have been deleted over the years since 2015. For years, I wrote ,but I was younger and some material did not need to remain. In the last nine years, I have learned so much, that I sensed the Lord wanted me to share with others. I was twenty-four and now I am almost thirty-three years old. I had so much on various places on the internet, that it was time to have it all in one place.
A place to share about journaling/ to share the Bible with others in a legal way/, and if God willing sharing the projects in eventual book form. Sharing whatever writing as the Lord leads , in whatever form it takes. This website was never designed with just book buying once the projects were finished. I want this to be a place where we can chat and share as if we are sitting at a table discussing various topics over coffee, hot chocolate, or a preferred drink.
If you are new to the site, then my menu tabs are as follows:
•Let's Journey Together: Become a free site member, and join in the conversations on the blog or forum chats.
• Thoughts to Ponder is my blog where I share my thoughts on different topics.
• Sip and Discuss is my forum section where you can follow any topics you are interested in and join the conversation.
• Printable section is a section of free printables that I created for all to use. Most are ways to journal or track certain parts of your life.
*On my website homepage you can contact me with any questions, or to join my email mailing list for when new things happen.
If God wills, the projects in process will be completed in His timing and I will let y'all know when that happens. I am so thankful for everyone who has prayed for me in my writing journey. I hope you enjoy, "The Written Journey." I pray that God gets the glory in whatever I share . Without Him, there would be nothing of importance to write about.
Brandi Williams