I have had a few mention to me the possibly that you feel led to write different topics and in different ways.
The most important advice I can give you is if your going to write anything that leads people in believing God…
1. Get to know the Word of God before you become a teacher through your words . Social media and blogs are public ways that many can be either led to the Lord or away from Him.
2. Spend time learning the what traditional thoughts are of Christianity and what is actual biblical. Popular American Christianity and its prosperity Gospel often are contradictory to the real Truth written in God’s Word. Many popular “Christian” labeled quotes , music, preachers etc, can often be a disguise which false teaching comes. Figure out what you believe before you teach. Yes, you are constantly learning, but know the basics at least. You can’t teach what you don’t know.
3. Expect more time to be spent with the Lord. You can’t teach things if you don’t spend the time with the Lord, getting to know His Voice and ways. 5-10 mins will not sustain a teacher or writer of such topics. That can be a start, but eventually it should lead to deeper study and desire for the eternal things of the Lord. Yes, we can enjoy time with family and activities, but sometimes the cost can get greater than some want to pay especially as time goes.
4. Pray for Discernment and Wisdom for our enemy the devil doesn’t often blatantly appear evil. Many times he disguises things as an angel of light. Discernment is needed to know not just what evil and good is, but knowing when something sounds good, but isn’t God. The difference between right and almost right.
5. Seek the Lord to know when to speak through words and when to avoid unnecessary arguments. I have learned lately, the enemy tempt you to get involved in arguments or social media comment wars, to distract you from your God given purpose . Our time on earth is limited and length unknown. Be ready for our Lord’s use , a vessel . Don’t waste time, it’s precious.
6. Journal what you are going to post or share in a journal , so you give yourself time to pray over and ask the Lord what to do with what you think He is speaking to you. It also gives you time to check with the Word of God if what is written lines up before posting.
7. Writing for others to point them to God is a responsibility, don’t take it lightly. We will give an account. Write wisely and remember we will give an account to the Lord for our words. Seek forgiveness whenever needed, because no writer is perfect. Sometimes the Lord will teach you and you’ll realize at times, that what you believed , what you heard growing up/ traditions may be wrong . We are always learning.
This is another thing to consider, if you've never journaled or blogged. You may need to start small. I started just posting on my personal social media page, then came to realize I was posting too often for some people. So I moved to blogging. I have blogged since 2015.
Just because someone thinks you should write a book, doesn't mean that's the route to take. You must consider your subject matter and length of material written.
When going self- publishing route that I am in the middle of considering, you must consider your audience and how your material will stand out. Otherwise a blog may be the way to go. Just because you blog, instead of publishing doesn't mean you won't reach an audience.
If you are considering, writing because the Lord put it on your heart, then consult Him in the process , as far as whether considering making money or giving the information freely. Consult Him in the process of what to write and share.
Writing is rarely a quick process. It may be months or years in my case . I may be working on projects right now that are in 1-3 years in process, but the truth is, some of it came through journaling and writing things down as early as 2014-2015. Just because you are told to write , doesn't mean you will share them right away. Store them, journal them. You can't expect to remember everything, when the gap between writing and checking , and sharing is a five or ten year gap.
Keep the record with journaling and writing, because the mind isn't always reliable to remember those precious memories and memories as years pass. I will always be a hudge advocate for journaling, because not only did I have a business making journals for a short time back in 2017-2019 ish , but journaling helped me cope in the hardest time of my life, going through sexual abuse. The journal doesn't have to be fancy. My first journal was a spiral notebook with notebook paper.
My mom found that journal that I had put the words, "Do not read..." God saved my life when my mother found and checked that journal.
A few years ago , I realized this truth about writing,
If we wrote what the Lord has taught us once a day for a year, that would be 365 things taught.
In 6 years, we would have 2,190 things written down. In 70 years , that would be 25, 550 things written. The Lord may not speak everyday, but will we give Him the opportunity?
We may realize that the One who commands the rain to fall, and sun to rise has more to say than we often listen.
Another reason to journal is to have a record of God's Faithfulness in our lives. It gives a tangible way to look back at the Scripture, warnings, and encouragement shared in a relationship with the Lord.
There are many factors and reasons to consider before publicly writing and sharing, but I hope this helps.